Contract fraud happens when a party enters a contract because of the intentional deceit or misrepresentation of the other party involved. Because of fraud the is no valid contact between the two parties.
Attorney David Chesley along with the other experienced attorneys working at the Law Offices of David Chesley have helped many clients prove that fraud was committed against them in a contract. Our attorney will help you establish contract fraud and prove that the contract you are bound to is not valid.
In order for contract fraud to be established, there must first be misrepresentation of a material fact. This means lying about something that will make the other party enter into a contract. This misrepresentation must be made knowingly and with the intention to commit fraud.
In order for the victim of contract fraud to claim fraud, the false information given to them must be justifiably relied upon, this mean that the false statements made by the other party must be reasonable enough for you to rely upon them when signing a contract. The contract must also cause injury to the victim, such as monetary damage.
If you are a victim of contract fraud you have two options, you can rescind the contract and regain any goods you used as payment, or you can affirm the contract, and sue the other party for damages.
If you have been defrauded and don’t want to be bound by the contract you signed, you should contact an expert attorney to help you fight the contract.
If you or a loved one are victims to contract fraud, contact the Law Offices of David Chesley and speak with one of our knowledgeable attorneys today.